miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

POST 1: A country i would like to visit.

I would like to visit New Orleans, United States, because its a very mysterious place and  it has a lot of mythology.

I know that people say it has witches, i know too that in 2005 Hurracane Katrina took place in there and a lot of people disappeared an died, i also know that Anne Rice lived many years there and her vampire chronicles, most of them ocurrs there too which its why i found it a very attractive place to visit. I also know that the community prepare the Mardi Gras carnival with very much enthusiasm and its a lovely event to watch.

I would like live there for a while to know more about the people, the community, and the buildings.

I would love to study more about my profession there, maybe work for some time, taking pictures and  painting the nature an landscapes. But my bigger wish is to know the famouses Lafayatte cementery and St. Louis cementary to draw them and later make some art with engraving techniques.

Resultado de imagen para new orleans

Resultado de imagen para new orleans cementerio

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